Failure to diagnose can lead to unnecessary, dangerous treatment

March 24, 2020 | Crandall & Pera Law
Failure to diagnose can lead to unnecessary, dangerous treatment

When Ohio residents have medical concerns, the first step is to see a medical professional for a diagnosis. If there is a failure to diagnose the problem accurately, it can exacerbate it. If a person is diagnosed with a condition and receives treatment for it only to find out they did not have it at all, it could cause extensive challenges. A recent study indicates that one in five people who were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, or MS, were suffering from other conditions. Because MS impacts communication between the nerves and the brain, people can experience weakness or numbness in their limbs, loss of coordination and tremors. The symptoms, however, are comparable to those suffered by people who are having migraines or a stroke. The treatment protocol for these conditions differs from treatment for MS. Of 110 patients assessed, 72 had conditions other than MS. Another study examined this phenomenon looking at 241 cases in which patients were diagnosed with MS. Researchers stated that the similarities between MS symptoms and other conditions made accurately diagnosing the real condition tricky. A significant number of people misdiagnosed with MS were treated for it for four years before getting the accurate diagnosis. After the inaccurate diagnosis, 72% were treated for MS, and 48% got treatment that had the potential to result in a viral infection called PML that can damage part of the brain. Financially, unneeded treatments cost nearly $10 million. This was made worse when people received medication and treatment with various side effects, and they did not have the condition they were being treated for in the first place. For those negatively impacted by a failure to diagnose or a misdiagnosis, a law firm experienced in medical malpractice may be able to help with a lawsuit for compensation.