Did your baby suffer injury at delivery at Southwest General Hospital?

November 2, 2022 | Crandall & Pera Law
Did your baby suffer injury at delivery at Southwest General Hospital?

Southwest General Health Center is a relatively small regional hospital that does have a labor and delivery unit.  However, the staffing and access to obstetrician-physicians may not be adequate when compared to larger hospitals in the downtown Cleveland area.   Just because you can deliver at Southwest General Health Center, does not necessarily mean you should. If you recently had a baby at Southwest General Health Center and your labor and delivery did not go as planned, call the experienced birth injury lawyers at Crandall & Pera Law LLC. Often, a labor is mismanaged as the baby’s heart rate is not monitored correctly, there is an arrest of descent of labor, which can both result in a traumatic birth, an attempt at a vacuum extraction and an emergency cesarean section.  These situations can lead to brain damage, cerebral palsy, a misshaped head that leads to bleeding or hemorrhage in the brain or even nerve damage in the arm and shoulder that is called a brachial plexus injury. If your labor and delivery at Southwest General Health Center did not go as planned, call us for a free consultation and evaluation of your medical records. Contact the firm at 844-279-2889.