Chesterland Birth Injury Lawyers

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Why Medical Care After Delivery Is Crucial


Medical mistakes do not end when the baby is born. The moments, days and hours after the mother delivers her child can be extremely dangerous. Many mothers develop complications after the birth. Neonatal care can be the difference between life and death for a newborn.

When medical malpractice post-delivery hurts a mother or baby, Crandall & Pera Law's labor and delivery negligence attorneys fight on your family's behalf. Our lawyers seek to get the best medical help for those who suffer and help you obtain compensation for lifetime injuries. In the tragic event of death, our lawyers fight to get the full wrongful death benefits your family deserves.


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Standard Postpartum Care

The birth injury lawyers at Crandall & Pera Law work with doctors, registered nurses and others to review everything that should have been done after the baby was delivered. This medical review includes making sure the physicians and staff:

  • Check for vital signs. Pregnancy and delivery are exhausting experiences — physically and emotionally. New mothers should be examined regularly for irregular breathing, abnormal blood pressure, negative reactions to the anesthesia and cardiac issues.
  • Look for tears and wounds. It is postpartum negligence not to review abrasions and injuries from vaginal deliveries and from C-sections.
  • Pay attention to the uterus. The mother's uterus should be examined by the doctors and nurses for signs of abnormal bleeding and for proper uterine firmness and size.
  • Examine the newborn. A thorough review of the child for a full range of medical issues, including jaundice and respiratory illnesses, is imperative.
Crandall Pera Team

Types Of Postpartum Negligence


Our attorneys have tried many types of postpartum negligence cases. Some of the more common types of medical malpractice and birth injuries that can occur to the mother after the baby is born are:

  • Infections. Infections are common after surgery. Unattended, infections can cause permanent harm or even death to a mother or to the newborn.
  • Postpartum hemorrhage. This condition is a significant blood loss after a vaginal delivery. It can be caused by vacuum birth extractions. Signs of postpartum hemorrhage include a large newborn, a newborn with hypertension and unusual bleeding. The causes for the blood loss or unusual bleeding are:
    • An inability for the blood to clot
    • Trauma to the mother's vagina, uterus, labia or other parts of a woman's anatomy
    • An inability of the placenta to contract
    • A condition called uterine atony
  • Eclampsia. Eclampsia causes seizures and serious medical complications. Mothers should be monitored for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, two conditions that can harm the mother and baby, and complicate the pregnancy.
  • A ruptured uterus. This is often caused during the delivery by excessive pressure or by the use of labor-inducing drugs.

When deliveries go wrong, the attorneys at Crandall & Pera Law know how to help put the pieces back in place, so you can move forward with your life.

Advocating For YOU

Our lawyers work with medical professionals to prove medical malpractice has occurred and to show birth injuries should have and could have been prevented. Please call to discuss your case or submit our online contact form.