Was An Ohio Birth Injury To Blame?

Did you hear beeping from monitors while you were in labor and wonder what it meant? Was your baby rushed away and resuscitated after birth? Has your baby or toddler been referred for a consult with a pediatric neurologist? In any of these situations, something may have gone wrong during the delivery of your baby.…

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Why is it hard to identify a heart attack?

You were running with some of your friends when you felt an unusual sensation. Your chest was tight, and you felt lightheaded. Shortly after the symptoms, you passed out, but the emergency team that was called was able to stabilize you and take you in to the hospital for care. There, it wasn’t clear what…

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A single brain injury may lead to significant issues

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a condition only found in the brain during a post-mortem examination. There are no tests for it. However, it has some specific signs that manifest as it progresses, including aggression and suicidal thoughts. A build-up of the protein tau causes CTE, and it is usually associated only with individuals who have…

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Immediate care is critical after spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord injuries can devastate the victims. Many people don’t think too much about how critical the care that is provided within the first few days of the accident. During this phase, protecting the spinal cord is a priority to optimize healing and recovery potential. Spinal cord protection starts immediately when the injury occurs. The…

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APGAR scores: Know their importance

When you’re pregnant or expecting a child with your partner, one of the things you’ll learn about is the APGAR score. an APGAR score is given to newborns to identify their overall health. An APGAR score is important, because it identifies the baby’s appearance, pulse, grimace, activity and respiration following birth (APGAR). Using this test,…

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How does hypoxia affect an infant?

Birth, as common as it is, is actually a complicated process with much that can go wrong. Infants are at risk of developing brain injuries while in the womb, during delivery or even afterward if they don’t receive the correct care. Part of the reason that infants are likely to suffer brain injuries is that…

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What causes fractures and bruises to baby during birth

Childbirth can be both an incredible human feat for the mother and a challenge for the mother and child. Difficulties during childbirth can threaten the health and well-being of both the mother and the infant. In fact, nearly 30,000 infants become injured during childbirth each year in the United States. Infants are particularly vulnerable as…

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Can cerebral palsy be caused by birth injuries?

When a child is born with brain damage, this can be hard for a parent to accept. Not only can birth complications be traumatizing for the mother, but knowing that your child will have a life-long disability can be overwhelming. It can potentially lead to parental mental health issues as well as problems bonding with…

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