Keep Your Family Safe This Spring

March 20th marked the first day of spring, and while the weather may not have acted accordingly, warmer weather is officially on the way. Everyone is itching to get outside and get moving; there are leaves to rake and lawns to mow, bicycles to pull out of the garage, and work to do before we play in the great outdoors. Before you get too excited at the prospect of all that time outside, take a minute to get your head in the game; every season has its hazards, but spring makes us particularly reckless because we’ve been locked away all the long dark winter.

Tools and toys to avoid recently published a list of 8 things emergency room doctors refuse to have in their houses. While not all of them apply here, three big-ticket items are a major concern. Take a minute to consider the dangers before dusting off these tools and toys:


  • Trampolines. While having the neighborhood’s largest trampoline might be cool, ER doctors don’t buy them for their kids. Dr. Ferdinando Mirarchi, medical director the emergency room at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center said, “They’re all trouble. There’s no good kind.”
  • Swimming pools. Even if your children know how to swim, accidents can happen. Having a pool installed is expensive, and there’s a very good reason why your homeowner’s insurance is higher when you own one. Dr. Dara Kass, of the NYU Langone Medical Center said, “Unfortunately, every summer we see kids- even ones who can swim- accidentally fall into a pool and drown. For me, it is the fact that drowning occurs so fast, and often silently, that prevents me from ever wanting one at my house.”
  • Power washers and extension ladders. While the first two items on this list are fun for kids and adults, power tools and tall ladders should be firmly in the realm of adults. Falls from tall ladders carry obvious risks, but emergency room Dr. Seth Podolsky said, “The surprising thing I won’t own is a power washer. People end up with penetrating injuries or lacerations from their intense water stream.”

Being safe does not come at the expense of fun

For each of these items, the risks they pose are disproportionate to the rewards they bring. Trampolines should be avoided at all costs, even when arguments ensue. If you have a pool, make sure safety railings and ladders are installed and locked when it is not in use. As for the power tools, there is no shame in hiring a trained professional to do dangerous work on your home.

At Crandall & Pera Law, we work to protect our clients, but prevention isn’t always enough. When you or a loved one is injured, we fight to protect your rights and make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. The experienced Kentucky and Ohio personal injury attorneys at Crandall & Pera Law can evaluate your case; contact us today for a free consultation.

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