Medical Malpractice Highlighted in Colorado Doctor Case

The Colorado Medical Board has filed 14 counts of unprofessional conduct against a Denver surgeon for various forms of medical malpractice, according to CBS News.

Dr. Warren Kortz is accused of leaving sponges and surgical equipment in patients as well as improperly using robotic surgery for kidney transplants.

Not only has Kortz misrepresented the success rate of the machine as the “safest, best option,” but he is also accused of not offering standard non-robotic surgical options for his patients.

Manual surgeries were needed after patients suffered nerve damage and internal bleeding from the robot. Kortz is accused of subjecting patients to overly long surgeries, even needing to abort kidney donations because of mistakes, and failing to document these errors in medical charts.

An attorney for Kortz in a negligence suit from one of the kidney patients said the doctor’s care was “reasonable and appropriate” and that he is a “very experienced and excellent surgeon who has helped many Coloradans over his lengthy career.” Read the full details here:

Colorado doctor accused of botching multiple robotic kidney surgeries

Medical malpractice, medical mistakes and medication overdose is a common problem in the US. The use of improper instruments for surgery, leaving behind retained sponges and towels and improper surgical technique are highlights of the negligence a Denver, CO surgeon left behind on many patients there.  

If you or a family member believe you have a medical malpractice case, contact Crandall & Pera Law today for a free case evaluation. Crandall & Pera Law is available to help answer your questions and guide you in determining your next steps.