New approach to the classification of traumatic brain injury

Every day in Ohio and around the country, an average of 190 people die from a traumatic brain injury. A traumatic brain injury is typically caused by a forceful bump or blow to the head. The result can be short-term, or it can be completely life changing. Current treatment approaches have come under fire for their broad-nature approach, and there are initiatives underway to help develop new methods of care for those who suffer from TBI.

Current classifications of TBI

TBI is classified as mild, moderate or severe. Some medical professionals believe these classifications don’t do enough to provide a more individualized treatment plan for patients, and it leaves them feeling frustrated about their prognosis. For example, a patient with TBI that is classified as moderate may feel as though their abilities are more limited than the medical professional believes they really are.

Other controversies related to TBI

The term mild TBI is part of a current medical debate over its perceived misdiagnosis. Concussion is often used to describe mild TBI because it tends to be a more acceptable term to convey the less severe nature of the injury to the patient. While concussion is a form of TBI, some medical professionals believe mild TBI is overused, and concussion is a more appropriate term. Using the diagnosis mild traumatic brain injury can elicit a more severe response from a patient regarding their condition when they really have a temporary condition that should heal.

Proposed changes

Researchers strongly desire to leave behind the mild, moderate and severe classifications of TBI and rely more on actual testing markers. Medical treatment plans should be created and measured by the patient’s Glascow Coma Scale score, premorbidity, imaging and blood-based biomarkers. Physicians are hopeful this will assist medical teams in better evaluating an individual patient’s specific injuries and developing a plan that will achieve real results. Hopefully, this will also help patients better understand their own diagnosis and ability level.

There are many factors that play a part in how a traumatic brain injury is treated. Because of its critical nature, patients who receive immediate care at a certified trauma center tend to see better medical results.