Severe Brain Trauma to Affect One in Three NFL Players
After many years of denial, the National Football League has finally recognized that rate of severe brain damage in its players that is much higher than the general population, according to a recent article in The New York Times.
The NFL has stated in federal court documents that it expects nearly a third of retired players to develop long-term cognitive problems and that the conditions are likely to emerge at “notably younger ages” than in the general population.
Scientists have said for years that playing football increases the risk of developing neurological conditions like chronic traumatic encephalopathy, a degenerative brain disease that can be identified only in an autopsy.
“This statement clears up all the confusion and doubt manufactured over the years questioning the link between brain trauma and long-term neurological impairment,” said Chris Nowinski, executive director of the Sports Legacy Institute. “We have come a long way since the days of outright denial. The number of former players predicted to develop dementia is staggering, and that total does not even include former players who develop mood and behavior disorders and die prior to developing the cognitive symptoms associated with C.T.E.” Read the full story here:
Brain Trauma to Affect One in Three Players, N.F.L. Agrees
Although football is a great pastime, this article should cause any parent to think twice before encouraging their children to play the sport.
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