What Really Causes Heart Disease in Red Meat
A new study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic might prove a surprising new explanation of why red meat may contribute to heart disease.
Researchers believe a little-studied chemical that is burped out by bacteria in the stomach is the real culprit in the increased amount of heart disease seen in red-meat eaters, as opposed to long-held suspected factors, such as saturated fat and cholesterol, which may only be minor contributors.
The bacteria is quickly converted by the liver into TMAO, another little-studied chemical, that gets into the blood and whose levels turned out to predict heart attack risk in humans.
The study could lead to new treatments for heart disease and a new way to assess heart disease risk by looking for TMAO in the blood. While researchers do not believe it is best to avoid red meat entirely due to its essential protein and B vitamins, they do stress it would be much better in moderation. Read the full story here:
Study points to a new culprit in heart disease
Medical research furthering the knowledge on devastating cardiac disease can help medical professionals advise their patients on what they should avoid and diagnose heart disease symptoms faster.
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