Why a thyroid diagnosis for an adolescent must be accurate

August 25, 2020 | Crandall & Pera Law
Why a thyroid diagnosis for an adolescent must be accurate

As the parent of an adolescent in Ohio, you are probably aware that their body goes through changes from birth to their late teens. The goal is to raise a healthy adolescent so that they can become a healthy adult. This is why the annual trip to the doctor is so important. You rely on the information given to you by the medical team that sees your child, and you expect that information is going to be accurate and correct. Sometimes, things go sideways. Sometimes, they get it wrong. Thyroid diagnosis is one example.

What is the thyroid?

The thyroid is the mechanism is every person's body that regulates metabolism. It releases and controls the hormones that lead to a well-working metabolism. When the thyroid is not operating at 100%, a person can have an under-working metabolism or over-working metabolism. Neither case is ideal. If it is working too hard, a person will become underweight and have a hard time keeping on necessary pounds. When the thyroid is working at a low level, a person will most likely become overweight. Being overweight leads to a host of additional problems that can lead to stroke, heart attach and diabetes.

Importance of an accurate thyroid diagnosis for adolescents

Since an adolescent's body continues to develop well into their late teens, if they show signs of a health issue, the diagnosis must be accurate. When a medical team misdiagnoses the patient, it leads the patient down a bad path. Today, in a time when doctors are ready to medicate their patients, this can have disastrous results like prescription medication misuse and addiction.

Avoiding thyroid misdiagnosis in adolescents

Research on this issue suggests that medical teams and laboratories must take a different approach when diagnosis the thyroid of an adolescent. Essentially, they must adjust their scale. The range used for an adolescent must be age and gender-specific. If you fall into a potential medical malpractice situation with your adolescent, you can always seek a second opinion. A second opinion will confirm or deny the original diagnosis so that you can have peace of mind.