Birth Injury Case Results

Birth Injury Case Results

At Crandall & Pera Law, our attorneys know that cases involving birth injuries to babies and fatal delivery errors change lives forever. These are some of most medically complicated cases to prove and the reason that we have several registered nurses on our team.

Here are several of our past successes in some very difficult cases where we were able to obtain a measure of justice for Ohio clients.

Settlement Of $4.65 Million For Failure To React Quickly To Warning Signs During Delivery

This case involved nurses at a Cincinnati hospital. They attempted to blame an OB for not attending to warning signs during a delivery. The OB indicated he was in the on-call sleeping room the entire night and was never called in a timely manner.

Lost in this senseless fight was the family of a little girl who was born brain-damaged because of the nurses and the OB to act and deliver the child appropriately. After researching the records, it was apparent the nurses had falsified the records to reflect calls to the OB they never made. Despite all this both defendants pushed this case to the eve of trial before resolving the matter.

The family has utilized the settlement of $4.65 million to provide education, equipment, housing and nursing care for their daughter who is now nearing her teenage years.

Settlement Of $4.6 Million When A Laboring Mother Died During Birth Of Her Child

This was a tragic case of a young, happily married woman who was nearing the end of her second pregnancy when she became ill with strep throat. She went to a local hospital and was admitted with a fever and other abnormalities in her vital signs. Lab work came back, which confirmed she was infected; however, the nurses and her physician left the results sitting on the hospital's fax machine unchecked.

She became even more sick. Additional signs of this progression were ignored by the staff and her physician. Her infection forced her into labor where she died as she gave birth to her second child. While remaining one of our most tragic cases, the $4.6 million settlement allowed her two young children and husband to secure college education funds and attempt to rebuild their lives.

C-Section Injury And Subsequent Undiagnosed Infection Causing Death

A 34-year-old married mother of two boys recently delivered her third child. During surgery for the delivery, a C-section, a portion of the intestines were injured. This led to an infection that went undiagnosed for several days. Unfortunately, she died as a result. A confidential settlement was reached before trial.

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Every case is different, and the verdicts and settlement figures listed by Crandall & Pera Law are not a guarantee of similar outcomes for other clients and cases.