$3.15 million Settlement Jane Doe v. ABC Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio

May 28, 2005 | Crandall & Pera Law
$3.15 million Settlement Jane Doe v. ABC Hospital Cincinnati, Ohio

A young teenage developed a genetic spinal malformation and was eventually operated on at a local hospital. During the surgery her spinal cord was being monitored by staff to ensure it was not put under undue stress by the procedure. Unfortunately, the obvious signs on the monitor were overlooked by an inexperienced and negligent staff member allowing the surgery to proceed when it should have been stopped. Upon waking up she was found to be permanently paralyzed from the waist level down confining her to a wheelchair. After this settlement she was able to attend an outstanding University which was well known for being handicapped accessible, and now lives in a specially designed home to accommodate and help with her paralysis. She remains and inspirational client with an eye toward some day curing her condition. She is also now contemplating law school to help others.