New Study Finds Chemicals In E-Cigarettes Linked To Lung Disease

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has issued a proposed rule that would allow the regulation of e-cigarettes. For now, however the products remain unregulated, and there is a distinct lack of information about the potential harm that the popular product could cause.

In light of that fact, researchers from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health designed a study to test flavored e-cigarettes and e-cigarette liquids for hazardous flavoring compounds. The results were published in Environmental Health Perspectives in early December, and the findings are devastating to say the least.

Study find most e-cigarettes contain hazardous substances

The team tested 51 sample substances for the chemicals diacetyl, acetoin, and 2,3 pentanedione. Diacetyl is linked to a condition known as “popcorn lung” (because it first showed up in workers inhaling popcorn flavoring). The other two chemicals are classified as “high priority” respiratory threats by the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association. The team found that 47 of the 51 flavors contained at least one of the three chemicals.

Study co-author David Christiani, Elkan Blout Professor of Environmental Genetics, told Harvard News, “Since most of the health concerns about e-cigarettes have focused on nicotine, there is still much we do not know about e-cigarettes. In addition to containing varying levels of the addictive substance nicotine, they also contain other cancer-causing chemicals, such as formaldehyde, and as our study shows, flavoring chemicals that can cause lung damage.”

Respiratory damage not the only risk

The lack of federal regulation does not just pose a risk of respiratory disease. Faulty power supplies and improper combinations of parts have resulted in exploding e-cigarettes that cause serious physical harm. While further research is required, the most effective way to reduce the dangers of e-cigarettes would be regulation at the federal level.

Until legislation is enacted that gives the FDA the authority to regulate these devices, you and your loved ones remain at risk. If you or someone you know has developed a chronic respiratory condition after using an e-cigarette, or been injured by a faulty device, you may be entitled to compensation. The experienced personal Ohio and Kentucky injury attorneys at Crandall & Pera Law can fight for your rights and help get you the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.



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